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Buddy And The PhD’s

Buddy. His name was Buddy; and, he was everybody’s friend. He loved God. He loved people. He loved the lost. That’s why when the church announced a special evangelism class that would teach participants how to share there faith, well, Buddy was the first to sign up!

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We began training on a Friday night. Praying together. Sharing together. Role playing. Memorizing Scripture. Learning how to use soul-winning tracks and how to share our story. And, we learned more, so much more! It was great. Wonderful. And, Buddy was vibrant, alive and in the middle of everything. He had trouble with the memory work and did the best, the very best that he could; and, he loved it.

On Saturday morning, more training and prayer time; then, we received visitation assignments. It was now time to go into “the highways and byways” -- Discover! Develop! Deploy! We had Discovered God’s Plan of Salvation; Developed A Strategy To Share God’s Plan of Salvation; and, now, we were ready to Deploy!

Then came our final instructions as visitation assignments were handed out: “No matter who you are assigned to visit – Do not! I repeat, Do not! Do not trade your assignment with anyone else! The Holy Spirit chose the people that are assigned to you. Do not trade your assignments with anyone else!”

There was a hush as the assignments were distributed. Here’s why. Everybody’s friend, Buddy, was probably the least educated among the group. He dropped out of school in the sixth grade. Buddy couldn’t read. He could barely sign his name. And, his assignments? Two professors of philosophy on the staff of Tulane University! Yipes!

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The next day was Sunday! The church was packed. Wonderful music! Great Preaching! Then, the most exciting part – the invitation! Everyone was eager to see the results of our training. People were receiving Christ, coming forward. The invitation was about to close WHEN……

……two white-haired professors of philosophy from Tulane University came forward to profess faith in Christ. They had turned from Something – their Sin! And, they had turned to Someone – their Savior.

“Buddy came to visit,” one of the professors shared later, “We talked a bit when suddenly Buddy said, in them midst of our conversation, ‘Hey! Listen! I’m not as smart as you guys and I can’t even remember what I trained to say today; but, I want you to know that I asked Jesus into my heart and my life two years ago and he changed me. He saved me. And He changed my life. And, He will save you and change your life too!’ Then he prayed with us and prayed for us.”

Soul Winning Training? Take it! Learn how! But, in the end – remember, it’s not what you know, it’s WHO you follow! Share Your Story! Discover! Develop! Deploy!

John Dee Jeffries

CEO/Acquisitions Editor

Published By Parables

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